tes tes tes cik cik
moga postingan gue yg ini ke publish, dan ga error lagi bzzzz -amin
Hello Folks!
(bukan nyebut merek ya)
'kemana aja sih lo Far? lama banget ga posting ckck'
komputer gue error mulu setiap mau posting - -"
swear i do
'ah sok sibuk lo'
teserah deh mau ngomong apa
tp beneran
setiap gue mau post adaaaa aja halangan nya
ya komputer gue lah tiba tiba error, listrik rumah gue lah, gue nya ga sempet lah
dan banyak alesan lain nya yg gabisa gue sebut
'oh gitu, lah ini? kok ini bisa ngepost?'
ya mane gue tau
sukur sukur kalo postingan gue yg ini ke publish
kalo sampe ga ke publish............... oh lord
'oh ya APA KABAR FAR?'
i'm fine
and you?
oh ya oh ya
terakhir gue posting masih 2008
gila lama bgt
what's new in 2009?
hm new couple lalalala
'who is the couple?'
the couple is me & my boyfriend
we started our freaky relationship
in Januari of 7th 2009
and you know what
a week after that is
his birthday!
omg and i knew it
1 day before his birthay
aaaa and the moment is unforgettable
hm maybe i'll tell about it in another posting
'Far fotonya kok ga jelas?'
iye emg sengaja huahuhehuheuhe
ps: yul, kalo kamu baca postingan ini kasih tau aku ya